


[俚語]Level with someone /跟…老實說

[俚語]Kick something around /思考某事

[俚語]Smoker's hack/經 常吸煙者的毛病

[俚語]Lose one's shirt/ 一文不值

[俚語]Get the drift/了解;明白

[俚語]Out of the question/決無可能

[俚語]Wet one's whistle/解渴

[俚語]On the tip of one's tongue/話到嘴邊

[俚語]Give one the cold shoulder/冷淡

[俚語]Four-letter word/低俗的字眼

[俚語]Have a soft spot for/偏愛

[俚語]Break down/故障

[俚語]Let one in on/分享

[俚語]In seventh heaven/歡天喜地

[俚語]Put someone on/騙某人

[俚語]Wear out one's welcome/客人逗留太久

[俚語]The last straw/忍耐的極限

[俚語]Out of whack/壞掉

[句子]on top of the world/高興極了

[句子]I think they're onto something.我想他們已經有解決方法了。

[句子]He's developing a green thumb. 他的園 藝活越來越精湛。

[句子]Don't play the goat/不要胡鬧

[句子]got taken for a ride/被愚弄了

[句子]To hedge your bets/兩面下注

[句子]That's close to the bone./真話難免有些刺耳(忠言逆耳)。


[句子]To hedge your bets/兩面下注

[句子]That's close to the bone./真話難免有些刺耳(忠言逆耳)。

[句子]Let's jump to it/就 這樣決定吧

[句子]Blazed a trail/行 業先驅

[句子]She made her mark./她出名了

[句子]Do you have any plan for your career? /你對未來有什麼計劃 嗎?

[句子]Joking aside/言 歸正傳

[句子]She had other fish to fry./她還有其他 的事要做。

[句子]She put her finger on it。 /她明確地指出了這件事。

[句子]The game isn't worth the candle。 /做這 件事得不償失。

[句子]Where's the produce section?/儲鮮櫃在什麼地方?

[句子]Don't paint the lily./不要畫蛇添足。

[句子]A fault confessed is half redressed. /錯誤能承認,一半已改正。 /浪子回頭金不換


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